Route Drawing

With the technologies offered by Moby vehicle tracking systems, it is now possible to use the power of your fleet at the highest level! Thanks to our route drawing feature, which you can use to achieve maximum efficiency, you will now be able to successfully complete all your work without wasting time. It has never been easier to ensure that your vehicles arrive at your planned location, minute by minute, and to optimize your plans by foreseeing disruptions.

Thanks to our route drawing feature, you can set a specific route for all your vehicles in your fleet. You can continuously follow your vehicle moving on the route you have determined, detect problems instantly and contact your driver immediately in extraordinary situations. In this way, you can start to save both time and fuel costs.

You will not encounter any unplanned consequences as you receive notification as soon as your vehicle goes off the route. Moreover, thanks to the live tracking option, you can view the speed of your vehicle and warn your driver about the speed limit. You can make your plans for your sensitive deliveries more easily, and you can control your work more comfortably without the fear of exceeding the delivery time. Moreover, the route drawing feature is seen as a revolutionary solution in public transportation organizations that need to reach the stops on time. Thanks to Moby vehicle tracking systems, it is entirely in your hands to control your fleet in the best way possible!


Route Determination

With the route determination feature, you can determine different routes for your vehicles and have the opportunity to control many different vehicles at the same time. You can receive live notification of the vehicles you have automatically routed through the system, and you can understand whether things are going well without dealing with complicated GPS systems.

Route Classification

The route classification feature we developed for experienced businesses with a large fleet now prevents you from spending hours on planning. You can now add the vehicle you want to the routes you have drawn before, and learn which route is the most suitable for delivery with a single touch. You can assign specific routes to each vehicle, and you can determine which route the vehicle will take on which day, days in advance. The route classification feature provides you with great convenience in both labor and control areas. Are you ready to easily manage your large fleet with our route drawing feature?

Increasing Fleet Efficiency

It is now much easier to increase your fleet efficiency with Moby vehicle tracking systems! You can determine more efficient routes with the tracking advantages offered by our route drawing feature. You can see which vehicle delivered in how long from past deliveries, and you can set your speed limits and orders accordingly. You can optimize the routes you have determined according to the data you have and see how to use your fleet most effectively. These and many more features are at your service with our route drawing solutions. With Moby vehicle tracking systems, the control of your fleet is now in your hands!


Discover the power of your fleet with route drawing

Have you ever wondered what your fleet can actually accomplish? Thanks to our route drawing feature, you will be able to use 100% of the power of your fleet. Thus, you will be able to grow your company in a short time and reach your goals faster. With Moby vehicle tracking systems, it is possible to save money and control hundreds of vehicles at the same time.

Wouldn't you like to be able to see the vehicles that deviate from their route instantly, to reduce the planning phase that takes days to just a few hours, and to find the most suitable route for your vehicle in seconds? If your answer is yes, we leave you alone with the revolutionary solutions of the Moby vehicle tracking system. Now it is much easier to find the most suitable route for your vehicles by significantly reducing your fuel costs. If you want to discover the advantages of our vehicle tracking system and take your company to the next level, contact us now!