History Tracking

Moby vehicle tracking systems allow you to manage your fleet from a single center by using the power of technology. Our vehicle tracking systems help you not only when you manage but also when you think about how to improve your fleet. Especially thanks to the information it contains and the detailed reports it prepares, many company managers actively use our systems. 
On the other hand, our vehicle tracking systems allow you to view the past activities of your vehicles in a complete way, thanks to the historical tracking feature it offers. By using this feature, you can get out of many difficult situations and improve your fleet so that you do not repeat the mistakes you have made in the past. At the same time, you can organize your work and find a way to earn more by looking at the data you have obtained in the past. Likewise, thanks to our history tracking feature, which acts as a kind of registry, you can record the previous works of your fleet. Thus, you create a database of your vehicles.
For example, if one of your vehicles is fined, you can clearly see the speeding, routes, and personnel driving your vehicle thanks to the history tracking feature. Thus, you will prevent your company from having extra expenses. You can also view the routes of your vehicles on the map and discover which vehicle has traveled how far for how long. If you make your calculations on solid ground, you will get tangible results and you will be able to walk confidently toward your goals.

Travel Tracking

We can say that one of the most important advantages of the history tracking feature is that you are tracking the travel of your vehicles. So you can see which routes all the vehicles in your fleet have taken in the past. Thanks to this feature, which provides security for theft and theft, you also prevent abuses. 

Accident and penalty monitoring

With the history tracking feature, you can easily resolve any negative situation that happens to your vehicles. When you enter the history monitoring section, you can see what has happened to your vehicle live and take action accordingly, allowing your company to improve. For example, you can warn your staff who have been punished and see which side is at fault at the time of the accident. On the other hand, your personnel who know that you have the history tracking feature will try to make fewer mistakes and to be less obvious. Therefore, we can say that the history tracking feature is an important module that provides you with benefits in every aspect

Bulk history records

We can say that the aggregated historical data of your vehicles is another revolutionary statistic in our history tracking feature. Thanks to the aggregated historical data, you will be able to review the status of your vehicles more comfortably while making an annual evaluation. You will be able to more clearly identify the areas where you need to invest while managing your company's economy. Thus, you will be able to focus on your work better, act more confidently, and maximize your optimization efforts with data.


Be infomed of all events

Thanks to the history tracking feature, it is now very easy to be aware of everything that is going on. Moby vehicle tracking systems continue to support your fleet with great packages that include all modules that will be useful to your company. One of them is our history tracking feature, which will allow you to examine the accidents and penalties of your vehicles in detail. You can easily shed light on events by taking actions in the past and quickly revealing unknown facts.
If you want to have history tracking and many different features and plan to get to know your fleet better, you should meet Moby vehicle tracking systems immediately. You can strengthen your work by easily adapting to our systems that can be installed quickly and start working immediately. Choose Moby to better control your fleet, improve your work and increase your income!