Fleet Tracking And Management

Fleet Tracking And Management

Managing large fleets and keeping track of the vehicles in these fleets is a difficult task that requires a lot of experience. Would you like to overcome this difficulty easily and have a revolutionary service in the field of fleet tracking and management with the help of technology? Thanks to the fleet tracking and management service of Moby vehicle tracking systems, you will be able to easily manage your vehicles.

Moby continues to come to your aid with a system where you can fully maintain all the vehicles in your fleet, report the activities it has done in the past, and access the information of your vehicles with one click. In addition, with a revolutionary instant communication system where you can receive instant notifications from all your vehicles, it ensures that you always stay in touch with your vehicles. 

With Moby fleet tracking and management systems, you will never miss the maintenance of your vehicles and you will be able to use your fleet with the dynamism of the first day. In addition, you will be able to learn the status of your vehicles with a single text message without the need to constantly communicate with your personnel. With our advanced GPS system, you will constantly track the location of your vehicles and be easily informed about them. At the same time, with our reports, you will strengthen your optimization efforts and raise your earnings to bring your company to the position it deserves.

Periodic Maintenance Management

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab

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The detailed vehicle information

Thanks to Moby vehicle tracking systems, it is possible to access information about your vehicles with one click and save yourself from large file costs. By saving your entire fleet in a database, you can easily access information and quickly search for some details that will be useful to you during the job. Thanks to the detailed vehicle information feature of Moby vehicle tracking systems, which continue to offer you practical solutions in business life, you will feel that your fleet is in safe hands.

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Advanced Reporting

Our vehicle tracking system not only tracks vehicles closely, but also provides reports generated as a result of tracking to companies using the system.

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What do fleet tracking and management do?

Fleet tracking and management allows you to handle not only your vehicles on a singular basis, but your fleet holistically and keep this community, which is the backbone of your company, alive. For example, thanks to periodic maintenance checks, it sends you notifications reminding you to keep your fleet alive, which is the main earner. On the other hand, it allows you to catch clues to improve your fleet with reports and information.

  • We can say that Moby vehicle tracking systems, which make fleet tracking and management easier, offer company owners an opportunity to protect their vehicles. Fleet tracking and management help you a lot with the moves that will enable you to take precautions, improve your plans and prevent you from forgetting important steps. In this way, it allows you to increase your income and achieve more important successes
    By using these management systems, you can take a step towards the future and make your fleet stronger with Moby.

Value your vehicles too

Warning feature of vehicles used for periodic maintenance

Wouldn't you like to show that you value your vehicles with our fleet tracking and management modules? Take over the management of your fleet faster with periodic maintenance, special reports, instant notifications, and much more. Moby vehicle tracking system is always with you in the field of fleet tracking and management, with revolutionary modules that will make it easier for you to make decisions! 


Do Not overlook the spare part changes of your vehicles

Warning feature of vehicles in case of spare part replacement and service

You can access the details of the services of your vehicles by processing the replacement of spare parts in the periodic maintenance situations of your vehicles in the fleet.


Easy Interface

Thanks to our convenient and easy interface, you will start using Moby vehicle tracking systems quickly and you will manage your fleet better.

Add Staff

You will be able to protect the structure of your company by registering your own management team in the interface of vehicle tracking systems and ensuring that the people you specify have access to this system.

Fleet Management

With its fleet management features, you will be able to protect your vehicles from adverse situations and make very logical decisions for the future.

Handy Map

Thanks to the useful maps of Moby vehicle tracking systems, you will follow your vehicles live and take everything under control.

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