Regional Planning

Would you like to take full control of your fleet with Moby vehicle tracking systems? It is quite easy to do this with the regional planning service that we have specially developed. You can define a special region for each vehicle in your fleet and then have your vehicles operate only within this region. You can control many vehicles from the same screen and secure your work.
The regional planning feature offered by Moby vehicle tracking systems allows your vehicles to operate in a specific region. If your vehicles go out of this zone, you will be informed via the application or via text message. With this feature, you can minimize the off-duty use of your vehicles and maximize your performance by sticking to the plan you have created.
With this application, which provides high-level control in every subject, you can follow your vehicles moment by moment. You can observe when your important deliveries are made and track when vehicles enter and leave the area you have determined. With this system, which provides great convenience not only for control but also for optimization, it is possible to increase the value of your company to high levels in a short time. Become a partner in the technologies of the future with Moby vehicle tracking systems and successfully bring your brand the value it deserves.

Creating A Zone

With the area creation feature, which is the first step of the regional planning system, you can determine the areas in which your vehicles will work one by one. Moreover, it is possible for businesses with a large fleet to activate more than one vehicle in the same region. Thus, you can group your vehicles more easily, and you can evaluate them according to the areas during GPS tracking.

Zone Separation

With the region allocation feature, it becomes possible to first determine the regions where you are actively working and then assign the vehicles in your fleet there. Thanks to the regional planning system, you can more easily see how many vehicles you need in which region by determining the regions you use most frequently.

Vehicle Tracking

Thanks to the regional planning system, you can easily track your vehicles and optimize the work you do during the day. You can instantly detect unexpected activities and control them as soon as possible. If you want your staff to focus entirely on their work and plan to do your work with maximum efficiency; The revolutionary innovations of Moby vehicle tracking systems are just for you!


Increase The Performance Of Your Company With The Regional Planning Feature

The regional planning feature provides Moby vehicle tracking systems owners with great advantages in planning, management, and optimization. This feature; allows you to control your vehicles at the same time and create new routes, as well as make the right grouping and take the best action in the face of events. In this way, you can maximize your performance and use your fleet efficiently.
You can follow the factors such as traffic jams, accidents, and adverse weather conditions that occur during daily life on the map, and you can inform your drivers about these issues thanks to the regional planning feature. Likewise, you can instantly receive notification of your vehicles located outside the designated area and eliminate this situation that causes poor performance.
In regular use, you can better calculate which route your vehicles should take, and maximize your earnings by optimizing your area in the best way.
Come on, start experiencing the privileges of regional planning with Moby vehicle tracking systems. We stand by you with all of our staff, including the installation and teaching phase, and assist you 24/7 with all kinds of technical issues. You will be able to easily expand your company and fulfill your future plans by taking advantage of the opportunities of our superior technology. Contact us now to access many services, especially regional planning, and have the opportunity to meet the technology of the future!